Brave New Collab: PAKT revolutionizes the glass system

17 March 2023


Presenting a Brave New Collab: The Doen Foundation x PAKT Packaging. As a corporate business, it can be a challenge to keep innovating and stay ahead of the game. As a startup, it can be a challenge to access the market and receive funding. But magic can happen when the one meets the other, and they decide to join forces. This is where we proudly present to you, our Brave New Collabs.

Another match was made at one of Brave New Food’s Challenges – when The DOEN Foundation, a Dutch foundation supporting initiatives in the field of green and inclusive economy, was introduced to PAKT Packaging – a startup that develops new return logistics for the collection of consumer packaging, starting with glass. “PAKT stood out for us because they offer an innovative solution for systemic change in the glass waste sector,” says Jitske Harms, program manager regenerative economy at The DOEN Foundation.

Making reusable glass packaging the new standard

Melting down glass to make new packaging takes a lot of energy and is therefore both polluting and expensive. With the support of The DOEN Foundation, PAKT is here to make reusable glass packaging the new standard.

Thijs Wester, co-founder at PAKT: “Before reusable glass can become the standard, a lot of challenges still need to be solved. With the support of The DOEN Foundation, we are now developing a first, small-scale process to collect and process glass containers. This process is meant to tackle these challenges and to prove a feasible model exists. In the future, we hope to continue this collab and add other partners to it as well, to make all glass packaging reusable.” Jitske adds how The DOEN Foundation hopes to connect them to other DOEN partners in the waste sector, to enable further innovation: “We hope that DOEN’s catalytic funding can bring PAKT’s approach further to challenge the glass waste sector in its entirety.”

A win-win situation

Jitske mentions how it’s beneficial for both parties to work together: “PAKT is an early-stage circular innovator. This fits perfectly with DOEN, because DOEN’s role is to support innovative pioneers who potentially can change systems to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. PAKT is turning the existing system upside down with potentially huge impact.” Thijs adds how their collaboration is also useful for PAKT: “The DOEN Foundation has quite some experience with impact startups and how to guide them. This is important for us, as impact startups have different needs compared to ‘regular’ startups. Furthermore, The DOEN Foundation has access to a great network that we can contact and use to accelerate our mission.” 

Tips for startups looking for funding

If you have a startup that’s looking for funding, Thijs recommends to mostly be aware of what kind of startup you are to find partners that align with your ambitions and vision. Thijs: “Thereafter, there are great platforms like Brave New Food where you can find parties with similar interests and connect with them.” 

Are you ready to create your own Brave New Collab?

Together with leading food corporates, retailers, distributors and impact investors, Brave New Food is looking for innovative startups, scale-ups and SMEs with next-generation food solutions. 

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